I didn't get an invitation!

Oops, we should have sent everyone an invitation... if yours didn't arrive, send us an email at us@jeroenandmingming.nl and we'll rectify the situation.

Is there a dress code?

No specific dress code. If you want to arrive in suit and tie, you're free to. If you feel more comfortable in jeans and T-shirt, we're happy to have you there as well.

Any preference for presents?

As we still live in Shanghai, large physical presents will give us some trouble: we only have so much suitcase space and we'd like to fill most of that up with licorice and stroopwafels. However, we are planning a honeymoon in Australia later in the year. Any financial extras, in the form of a (red or otherwise) envelope with contents, will help us make more memories there.

I have more questions and/or I'd like to organise something!

For questions, you can send us an email at us@jeroenandmingming.nl. If you need to discuss things related to the ceremony and the event planning, please mail our master of ceremony, Rick Koggel, at rick@jeroenandmingming.nl.